The COSCAP Fast Forward Production Music Workshop is being held at Canefield Studio from the 16th November to the 23rd of November 2009 In the studio conducting the workshop is well known Americian music producer Mr.Daryl D.H Harris, managing partner with PWI MEDIA.COM in conjunction with the United States Embassy.The focus of the work shop is on writing and producing music for commercials for television and the internet with a view to increasing the revenue earning potentinal for writers and producers out side of the main stream song writing
James E Lovell is currently in Canefield studio doing his final mix and edits for his long awaited solo album
engineer P.A Andis Rabacias.
Neil Newton has joined Canefield studio as senior recording engineer
Cariso Kai su E P avaiable form monday 5th july 2015 for digotal down loads om CD BABY, I TUNES,
Shakey Ranks new album comming in 2018-2019
The late Shakey Ranks had started to record a new album , before he met his untimly death , as his producers , we have always commited to finish this album when we thought the time was right , and as we see events unfold both here at home and world wide his new songs although written some years ago, are very relevant today.
So look out for his new works soon as we complete this journey.